Food Law News - EU - 1999

8 May 1999: LABELLING - Consolidation of the Food Labelling Directive (79/112/EEC)

JFSSG Letter, 8 May 1999

Consolidation of the Food Labelling Directive (79/112/EEC)

Following a commitment made in its Green Paper on the General Principles of Food Law in the European Union, the Commission has now published a proposal to consolidate the food labelling Directive. The letter enclosed a copy.

Consolidation is a technical process whereby Community legislation which has been subject to numerous amendments is codified into a single text. Substantive changes to the legislation during this process are not permitted. The proposal will be discussed by a Consolidation Working Group involving lawyers rather than the usual Council Working Group, which reflects the fact that consolidation is a technical legal process rather than a substantive negotiation on changes to the legislation. The proposal does not, therefore, address the wider review and simplification of labelling provisions called for by the UK when responding to the Green Paper, or the more specific changes aimed at removing ingredient listing exemptions for alcoholic drinks (proposals for which are being discussed by the Council) and potentially allergenic substances (proposals for which are being developed by the Commission). These issues are being pursued separately and we will keep you informed of developments.

As accelerated working methods now apply to the official consolidation of legislative texts, written comments on the proposal are required as soon as possible. Responses should be sent to arrive by no later than 24 May 1999.

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