Food Law News - EU - 1999

12 March 1999: CONTAMINANTS - EC Regulation No 194/97 Setting Maximum Levels for Nitrate in Lettuce and Spinach

Scottish Office letter, 12 March 1999

European Commission Regulation No 194/97 Setting Maximum Levels for Nitrate in Lettuce and Spinach

The European Commission's (EC) Standing Committee for Foodstuffs agreed on 9 March an amendment to EC Regulation No 194/97 which sets maximum levels for nitrate in lettuce and spinach. This amending Regulation will be published shortly in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

The main points to note are:

The EC amending Regulation is directly applicable in the United Kingdom, and all other Member States. However, domestic Regulations are required to make provision for the enforcement and execution of the amending Regulation in the UK. Appropriate amendments will now be made to The Contaminants in Food Regulations 1997 (Statutory Instrument 1997 No 1499) to effect the changes into legislation. As is usual, separate but parallel legislation will be made in Northern Ireland.

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