Food Law News - EU - 1998

26 March 1998: ADDITIVES - Progress on Amendments to ‘Miscellaneous Additives’ Directive

MAFF/DoH Letter, 26 March 1998

Progress on Amendments to ‘Miscellaneous Additives’ Directive

On 23 March, the Council of ministers adopted a Common position on amendments to Directive 95/2/EC on Food Additives other than Colours and Sweeteners. While some editorial changes, concerning the drafting style, numbering and order of the text, have been made to the version previously circulated by MAFF on
28 November 1997, there have been no changes of substance. The adopted text will appear in the Official Journal in due course.

The text will now be sent to the European Parliament for its second reading. According to the letter, this stage of the process is likely to take several months, after which the Council will need to consider further any amendments that the European Parliament may wish to put forward.

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