Food Law News - EU - 2000

FSA Letter, 5 July 2000

PARNUTS / CONTAMINANTS - Draft Commission Proposals to Prohibit Certain Pesticides in Agricultural Products Used to Manufacture Infant Formula, Follow-on Formula and Baby Foods

The letter invites further comments (see item
20 April 2000).

Although the Commission intends to agree proposals on the lists of prohibited pesticides by November, it has yet to formally adopt draft proposals. The letter seeks further comments on the Commission's preliminary proposals, and to let people know that as soon as the adopted texts are published they will be sent to interested parties together with a summary of any changes and a request for further views.

The proposals fulfil European Commission obligations, laid down in directives 1999/50/EC and 1999/39/EC, to draw up a list of pesticides which shall not be used in agricultural products intended for use in the manufacture of infant formulae and baby foods respectively. They would extend existing controls laid down in these directives which already limit the maximum level of individual pesticides permitted in these foods to 0.01 mg/kg as consumed. The proposals would amend the Commission's directives on the labelling, and composition of: infant formula and follow-on formula, directive 91/321/EEC; and processed cereal-based and other baby foods, directive 96/5/EC.

The letter seeks views on the proposals, the individual pesticides which have been included, and any other comments may be relevant to help inform the FSA position for the forthcoming negotiations. Comments are required by 31st August 2000.

The following is the list of pesticides which, it is proposed, shall not be used in agricultural products intended for the production of processed cereal-based foods and baby foods and gives the JMPR ADI (mg/kg bw) for information only. Pesticides with an ADI of 0,0005 or lower have been included in the listing.

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