Reading in the News - Mon 21 Nov
21 November 2022

#PlanetPartners: working with global partners to protect the environment
- Dr Rob Thompson's (Meteorology) article on The Conversation on UK rain was quoted by The Times (and in print), and republished by Western Mail (in print), Leportale, Berkshire Live, Lincolnshire Live, Devon Live, Derbyshire Live, Grimsby Live, Plymouth Live, Hull Live, Herts Live, Cheshire Live, and thirteen other regional outlets.
- Dr Ed Hawkins' (Meteorology) is quoted by The Times (in print) and News Break among many scientists who remind of the dangers of climate inaction as COP27 nears its end.
- Professor Nigel Arnell (Meteorology) was interviewed by BBC Radio Berkshire about his thoughts on the negotiations and agreements taking place in COP27.
- Professor Paul Williams (Meteorology) is quoted by Pravda on how warm weather affects how a plane takes off.
Other Coverage:
- Dr Simon Clarke (Biological Sciences) was interviewed by BBC Radio Suffolk on how to deal with dampness and mould in UK homes as news of the death of a two-year-old boy, Awaab Ishak, from mould exposure breaks.
- Professor Matt Worley (History) is quoted by The Guardian (and in print), Yahoo!, News Break, Pedfire, and Pehal News on the history of an aggressive post-punk musical movement.
- Dr Erhan Aslan (Literature and Languages) is quoted by Today UK News, UK Time News, and News Week on tips to solve Wordle puzzles.
- Professor Nazanin Derakhshan (Psychology) is quoted by Wales Online, Hull Live, and Teesside Live on her expert reaction to a study on the long-term health outcomes and survival after radiotherapy for breast cancer.
- Dr Darius Widera (Pharmacy) is quoted by Biermann Medizin and Archy Newsy on research findings that leprosy-causing bacteria are able to reprogram and regenerate liver cells in Armadillos.
- Professor Marko Milanovic's (law) upcoming lecture on international law is advertised by Opinio Juris.
- Business Because reports on the launch of Henley Business School's new master's course in sustainable business and green finance.
- ADF (in print) mentions the involvement of director and mentor, Katie Parfitt, in the University's Thrive Mentoring program.
- Kemi Filani News reports on the career of guest lecturer and historian, Dr Lynette Nusbacher (History).
- Times Higher Education includes Reading in its rankings of UK University gender pay gaps.
- Archy Newsy mentions Reading research on the health benefits of berries.
- E-Architect shares Henley Business research on the regeneration of Bracknell town centre.
- The Reading Chronicle lists The Dairy as a location to watch the World Cup.
- NWA Online and Arkansas Democrat post an article on school dean and Reading graduate, Melissa Taverner.
- Innovation and Tech Magazine posts an article by Reading graduate, Robin Peel, on mitigating urban heat.
- Art Daily reports on a solo exhibition by British artist and Reading graduate, Mali Morris.
- Nigerian Tribune reports on the career of CEO and Reading graduate, Chijioke Dozie.
- The Pianist (in print) mentions that Nils Franke, an expert in pianist-composers, worked at the University.
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