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Gale General OneFile

Institutional login required to access this resource via a search engine when off-campus.


Full-text access to over 9,000 journal titles and hundreds of newspapers. Includes:

  • the full collection of National Public Radio programs from 1990 to the present
  • links to thousands of video files from providers including Video Collection, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and Associated Press Video News
  • hundreds of travel guides from Dorling Kindersley.

Help & guidance

  • Once logged in to the site click on 'Help' at the bottom of the page for comprehensive guidance.
  • Contact us for additional advice on using this resource.

EndNote Info

You can save your references into EndNote in the following ways:

For both versions follow these instructions to save the useful references:

  1. Click on 'Save' under each item you want, then go to 'My Folder'.
  2. Select 'Citation Tools' and select 'EndNote' from the 'Export to list.
  3. A file of references is created.
  4. Using Desktop EndNote? Just 'Open' the file to import your references automatically.
    Using EndNote online? Save the file and then import into EndNote online (using the 'RefMan RIS' import option).

What is EndNote?