Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, The University of Reading
Food Labelling in the UK - A supporting material page

Ingredients lists - Declaration of additives

Additives have to be declared by giving their function followed by either the specific name or the E number of the substance used. Most manufacturers and retailers have chosen to provide full specific names for the additives used in their products. However there are situations where E numbers are used, often where the additive names are lengthy.

The following image shows the ingredients list from a bottle of Mayonnaise made with pasteurised egg. It includes additives for a number of different functions:

In this case a mixed approach has been adopted. Most of the additives have been listed using their specific name. However, in the case of the preservative, this is indicated with the E number, E202. E202 is potassium sorbate - it is not known why this label uses the E number in this case.

Note that flavourings do not normally have to list the specific substances that have been used (although the use of quinnine and caffiene have to be declared).

For the main index page for this site, go to Food Labelling in the UK: A Guide to the Legal Requirements