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Campus Development

Who we are:

Nigel Wingfield

Campus Development Director

Patrick Abbott

Head of Major Projects

Bernard Gallagher

Head of Minor & Intermediate Projects

What we do:

The Campus Development team consists of a multi-disciplinary group of project managers. We manage delivery of projects through the RIBA Plan of Work 2020 Stages guiding and managing development of the business case, feasibility, design, construction and hand over. We liaise closely with external consultants, advisers, statutory authorities, and specialist internal stakeholders and departments to provide  a holistic project delivery service.

The Campus Development team are delivering the first 5 years of approved investment  through the Estate Strategy, whilst also delivering projects from the Investment portfolio, listed buildings, Farms, maintenance and sustainability annual budgets along with ECMWF and South of the M4 projects to provide long term strategic investment for future growth and stabilisation of a previously declining asset base.

We are responsible for delivering  project objectives, to an agreed quality, time and cost through careful planning, resource management, adherence to governance, managing risk and project delivery through regular reporting and consistent stakeholder engagement.

Through lessons learned we aim to improve efficiencies, standardise our systems and processes, project delivery, engagement and quality of both delivery and the final product.

The varied scope of projects are delivered through specialised teams:

Major Projects

Capital Projects involve the strategic planning, procurement, delivery and handover of major projects with a value greater than £1 m and includes construction of new buildings, carbon reduction and refurbishment projects.

South of M4 developments

These are located off campus comprising of infrastructure project development support to promote investment in our land holdings.

Minor and Intermediate Projects

These works are up to £1m and involves planned maintenance refurbishment, remodelling, enhancement and adaption of existing buildings, carbon reduction, infrastructure, and farm works.


The following projects illustrate the diversity of the portfolio of works managed in support of the objectives of the Estate Strategy – further information can be found here (link)

Major Projects:

  • URS Shell and core refurbishment of listed building: Grade II listed building refurbishment project to relocate the School of Built Environment which includes the Construction Management and Estates department from current temporary accommodation. 7500 m2 on 4 floors including 2 lecture theatres – complete asbestos strip out to shell and repurposing of “post -war brutalist concrete architecture” with addition of new external stair cores – due to complete 2027
  • Sports Park Air Source Heat Pump carbon reduction: To reduce carbon use within the Sports Park facility and replace the existing, end of life gas boiler plant with dedicated Air Source Heat Pumps – due to complete 2025.
  • ECMWF: Demolition and site clearance – demolition of TOB 1 building, service terminations and diversions to maintain services to adjacent buildings together with site clearance to facilitate lease of land for construction of net zero carbon headquarters for European Centre for Medium range Weather forecasting. Includes members Council chamber and build is due to complete 2026.
  • H&LS Boiler replacement: Replace two existing gas steam boilers with new electric equivalents, which aligns with the objective of the Estate Strategy and Decarbonisation Strategy to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2030 as well as addressing the challenges of the unreliability of the existing centralised steam generating systems – due to complete 2025
  • Campus Infrastructure Upgrades: Part of the Estate Strategy to upgrade of the CCTV, ANPR and access control systems campuswide – initial feasibility to replace and modernise existing ageing systems with new technology that works off an integrated service platform.
  • Campus Accessibility improvements: Review of accessibility challenges campuswide to understand implications and prioritise delivery of improved access and facilities for Staff and Students 
  • Campus Landscaping comprising outdoor teaching space, entrances and boundaries, establishment of a campus heart and baselining biodiversity net gain credits as part of the first phase of the Estate strategy. This project sets out a common approach that supports the delivery of a coherent landscape design that can be applied across the University’s campuses.
  • Farm drainage upgrade: Scheme to investigate condition and where required, renew sections of both slurry and rainwater drainage at  University Farms. 

South of M4 developments:

  • Loddon Garden Village  scheme feasibilityDevelopment of land south of M4 to create housing to support local Government national build targets (circa 3,000 + houses) includes associated infrastructure provision and provides social value through new primary and secondary schools, together with a community centre and local facilities.
  • TVSP Northern Quarter: Delivery of serviced leased land plots that include associated infrastructure to brown field development site for partners such as the Natural History Museum, Kew herbarium and potential new investors.
  • Shinfield West Sports Pavillionconstruction of new sports pavilion for the Shinfield Parish to use and run, includes new changing facilities, community venue with kitchen , bar with news sports pitches and cricket training nets.

Minor and Intermediate Projects:

  • Sports Centre café to dance studio conversion: This Project involved the refurbishment of the existing café to provide a modern dance studio space for both University and Commercial use.
  • Computer Science Lab: This was a complex Project involving a number of University Academic stakeholders to create a modern, suitable space for the department of Computer Science. It was undertaken over the busy summer months and the room was ready for teaching to commence at the start of the Academic year in September 24.  
  • School of Architecture expansion: This Project involved the relocating of a number of Academic and Professional Services staff both from London Road and within the Whiteknights Campus. The refurbishment of 2 floors in the Philip Lyle Building will create a modern working space for staff and has involved great stakeholder consultation and management from the Campus Development Project Manager.
  • Worton Grange roof replacementThe roof of Worton Grange where many of our important Archives are stored has recently been affected by water ingress and the discover of asbestos containing materials due to a failing roof. Th team are working with a number of stakeholders to address the problems and identify a long term solution to a building that is leased by the University.  
  • IT server room size and carbon reduction: This Project involves reducing the size of a large server room in the IT building, though the works are of a minor nature a great deal of stakeholder consultation has had to be undertaken in order to programme the works.
  • Sports Hall sprung floor replacement: The existing floor in the well used Sports Hall is in need of upgrading and replacing so a programme of work to undertake this as well as refresh the hall is presently being planned with the Sports Hall team for works to begin in the summer of 2025.
  • Campus wide bathroom and shower  replacement programme: An estate wide programme of upgrades to toilets and shower rooms is presently being planned. Surveys have been commissioned to provide estate wide up to date information that can be used to compile a priority list for improvements.
  • Automated cattle feeding systemThe Campus Development Team are supporting the department of Agriculture who are closely linked to the two Farms owned by the University in the installation of new equipment identified to help with the management of the Farms. This includes helping staff to liaise with the Procurement Team and assisting with any infrastructure requirements that may be needed as part of the installation of the new equipment.
  • Drainage upgrade to Halls of residenceThe Campus Development Team have had to work in close partnership with colleagues in our Estates Maintenance Team to identify and repair surface water drainage issues at some of our Halls of Residence. The Projects can be highly complex involving managing a number of external Consultants and Contractors to identify and undertake remedial works to underground services.