Anthrenus verbasci

The Varied Carpet Beetle


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Distribution cosmopolitan (Mroczkowski, 1968). Europe, N . America, Egypt, Japan and Australia (Hinton, 1945).


Tergites unevenly pigmented, light and dark brown or greyish: pronotum and at least sides of meso- and metathoracic tergites and abdominal tergite 5 dark reddish-brown or grey. Abdominal tergite 1 usually light coloured; 2-4 usually pale on disc, darker at sides; 6-7 dark, at least laterally. Head light brown even when tergites are dark. Abdominal tergite 5 sometimes with a remnant of the antecostal suture laterally, anterior to caudal tuft; its posterior emargination symmetrically and broadly curved and extending about half the width of one side of tergite, much more extensive than that on tergite 6. Length 4.0-4.5 mm


Inner margin of eye evenly convex. Dorsal scales elongate. Antennal cavity occupying about half lateral margin of hypomeron. Length 1.7- 3.2 mm.


  • KINGDOM Animalia
  • PHYLUM Arthropoda
  • CLASS Insecta
  • ORDER Coleoptera
  • FAMILY Dermestidae
  • GENUS Anthrenus
  • SPECIES verbasci