Links to interactive graphical output:

RasMol generated image of per-residue accuracy for the model nFOLD4_1xovA_COMA_TS3.bfact.pdb

Click here to download a PDB file of this model with residue accuracy predictions (Angstroms) in the B-factor column.
[RasMol colouring uses the reverse rainbow scheme from blue (high accuracy)
through green, yellow and orange to red (low accuracy).]

Jmol view of the per-residue accuracy for the model nFOLD4_1xovA_COMA_TS3.bfact.pdb

[Jmol colouring uses a gradient from blue (high accuracy)
through white to red (low accuracy).]

Jmol view of the structural alignment of the model (blue) with the template 1xovA (red) using TM-align

Download the superposition file (RasMol script).

Coverage of target: 0.7863248 (Target length: 234, Aligned residues: 184)
RMSD: 0.85
TM-score: 0.77176
The alignment (template-model) is shown below:
(":" denotes the residue pairs of distance < 5.0 Angstrom)
  ::::::::::::::::::::  :::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   :::::::::::::::   ::::::      :    :::       :::                   ::::::    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::