Press Releases

University takes steps to further improve arrangements for fieldwork opportunities for disabled students – University of Reading

Release Date : 18 November 2009

The University of Reading is committed to disability equality and is aiming to make its provision for disabled students undertaking fieldwork even more comprehensive. The University, working in agreement with the Equality and Human Rights Commission, has undertaken a thorough evaluation of its services for disabled students in the arrangements for field trips, placements and work experience and also for inviting the disclosure of a disability.

The University led the initiative and employed a dedicated project officer to support the evaluation, which involved consultation with disabled students, staff and external organisations about the University's commitment to improve its support in these areas. This resulted in an action plan which was finalised with oversight from a senior University management group.

'We look forward to putting into action the recommendations of the project officer's report and welcome the continued opportunity to involve disabled students to further improve our fieldwork arrangements and disclosure opportunities. We are also pleased to note that where possible changes have been enacted within the review period.' Rob Robson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Learning, University of Reading

A spokesperson from the Equality and Human Rights Commission said 'We are very pleased to be working with the University on this initiative which seeks to ensure that the University of Reading is able to fulfil its aims in respect of opportunities for disabled students.'


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