
Dr David Jukes, The University of Reading, UK

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Food Law News - UK - 2015

FSA News Item, 3 June 2015

ADMINISTRATION - FSA publishes Strategic Plan for food we can trust

The FSA today published its Strategic Plan, setting out how we will work over the next five years to deliver the goals of the FSA Strategy 2015-20. In particular to protect public health and consumers’ interests in relation to food, so that food is safe and what it says it is, that we have access to an affordable healthy diet, and can make informed choices about what we eat, now and in the future.

The FSA Strategy 2015-20 reinvigorated our pledge to put consumers first in everything we do, while recognising there are growing challenges around food safety, affordability, security and sustainability.

The Plan published today makes clear our purpose and responsibilities, and the roles and responsibilities of others, in meeting these. It sets out how we plan to work with the food industry, local authorities and other parts of government, and with scientists, consumer and community groups and other stakeholders.

The plan also outlines the approaches we will take when carrying out our work. These include:

using science, evidence and information both to tackle the challenges of today, and to identify and contribute to addressing emerging risks for the future

using legislative and non-legislative tools highly effectively to protect consumer interests and deliver consumer benefits – influencing business behaviour in the interests of consumers

being genuinely open and engaging, finding ways to empower consumers both in our policy making and delivery, and in their relationship with the food industry

making sure that all of us are highly capable, effectively supported and consistently choose to make outstanding contributions to protecting, information and empowering consumers

The Strategic Plan, including some of the key initiatives we will carry out in the first two years, Cis available on the FSA website at

A copy of the plan is also provided on this site. See: FSA Strategy 2015-20

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