Food Law News - UK - 2013

FSA Consultation, 20 December 2013

LABELLING - Consultation: The Food with Added Phytosterols or Phytostanols (Labelling) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013

A copy of the consultation document is available on this site. See: Consultation - Food with Added Phytosterols or Phytostanols

This consultation seeks views of stakeholders on the proposed Food with Added Phytosterols or Phytostanols (Labelling) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013. Responses are requested by: 17 January 2014


Who will this consultation be of most interest to?

Manufacturers and food business operators involved in the placing on the market of foods with added phytosterols or phytostanols, including importers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers, plus enforcement authorities and consumer organisations.

What is the subject of this consultation?

The proposed Food with Added Phytosterols or Phytostanols (Labelling) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 will amend the Food with Added Phytosterols or Phytostanols (Labelling) (England) Regulations 2004, taking into account the provisions of Commission Regulation (EU) No. 718/2013 on Labelling of Foods with Added Phytosterols, Phytosterol Esters Phytostanols and/or Phytostanol Esters. The opportunity is also being taken to correct a typographical error in regulation 20 of the Food Additives, Flavourings, Enzymes and Extraction Solvents (England) Regulations 2013, where a reference to the Food Additives (England) Regulations 1999 (which do not exist) should have been to the Food Additives (England) Regulations 2009.

What is the purpose of this consultation?

To provide interested parties with the opportunity to comment and express their opinions on the proposed Food with Added Phytosterols or Phytostanols (Labelling) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 and the associated Impact Assessment.

Consultation details

The proposed Regulations require all foods with added phytosterols or phytostanols to be labelled consistently, so that consumers who want to lower their cholesterol are fully informed about the appropriate use of these products.

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