Food Law News - UK - 2013

FSA News Item, 28 November 2013

HYGIENE - Food hygiene is getting easier to spot in Wales

From today a new law - the Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Act 2013, introduced by the Welsh Government - will mean that businesses in Wales that serve or sell food will in future be required to display their food hygiene rating at their premises.

'New' sticker

Food businesses inspected from today will receive a 'new' rating sticker that includes the Welsh Government logo, and will have to display it in a prominent place – such as the front door or window – and at all customer entrances, and provide information on their rating verbally if asked.

The scheme will cover places where people eat out, including restaurants, takeaways, mobile caterers, cafés, hotels and pubs; places where people shop for food, such as supermarkets, bakeries and delicatessens; and establishments such as schools, hospitals, children’s nurseries and residential care homes.

Statutory scheme

The statutory scheme introduced by the legislation will be based on the previous voluntary Food Hygiene Rating Scheme that has been running in Wales since October 2010.

For more details, see:

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