Food Law News - UK - 2013

FSA News Item, 5 December 2013

MEAT HYGIENE - Cleveland Meat Company prosecution

The FSA has welcomed the successful prosecution of the Cleveland Meat Company Ltd for breaches of food safety regulations. The company has been ordered to pay more than £27,000 in fines and prosecution costs after being found guilty on 12 charges. It entered a guilty plea on a 13th charge during the course of the hearing.

The FSA brought the prosecution against the Cleveland Meat Company after FSA staff identified breaches of the regulations, which are in place to prevent potential consumer exposure to BSE. These breaches included the failure to remove specified risk material (SRM) from a sheep carcass. SRM are the parts of the animal most likely to carry infectivity.

Andrew Rhodes, Chief Operating Officer of the FSA, said: 'We are pleased with the successful conclusion of this prosecution. These regulations are in place to keep the public safe and the FSA’s job is to ensure they are enforced properly across the country. Where companies are not meeting their responsibilities we will take action.'

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