Food Law News - UK - 2013

FSA News Item, 15 February 2013

MEAT - Update on police investigations into horse meat

 Further to the arrests made yesterday in Wales and West Yorkshire in relation to suspected fraud, there have been seizures of evidence in Hull and London.

Yesterday the Food Standards Agency announced that three individuals had been arrested by Dyfed-Powys Police on suspicion of fraud, as a result of the Agency's investigation into the use of horse meat in the food chain. This investigation is live and ongoing and the Agency will not be making any further comments regarding these arrests.

In addition, yesterday morning FSA officers entered three premises in England with local authorities and the police; one was in Hull and two in Tottenham. Computers and documentary evidence have been removed from these premises, as well as meat samples that have been taken for testing.

The FSA has submitted a full file and evidence on this issue to Europol. The Agency has continued to provide information to Europol and this information has now been analysed by both Europol and law enforcement agencies in 35 countries – across Europe and elsewhere.

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