Food Law News - UK - 2011

FSA News Item, 14 October 2011

ENFORCEMENT - National Control Plan extended to 2012

A copy of the updated plan is available on this site.  See: Single integrated national control plan for the United Kingdom (Revision October 2011)

The Food Standards Agency and the agriculture and rural affairs departments for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have produced an updated version of the UK National Control Plan, which extends it to 31 March 2012.

The plan is a requirement of EU Regulation 882/2004 on official controls. It ensures that effective control systems are in place for monitoring and enforcing feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules, and plant health law.

Regulation 882/2004 requires that the National Control Plan be kept under review and revised regularly. It has been updated to reflect organisational and legislative changes and developments during 2011/12.

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