Food Law News - UK - 2007

FSA News Item, 18 June 2007

WINE - Wine Standards Enforcement Policy

For a copy of the Enforcement Policy paper, see: Wine Standards Enforcement Policy

This consultation seeks to set out the role of the FSA and its Wine Standards Branch Inspectors in enforcing regulations governing the production, labelling and documentation of wines marketed in the UK . It also summarises the roles of other enforcement bodies with responsibility for wine controls and explains the regulations and the powers available to ensure compliance with them. Responses are requested by: 10 September

Consultation details

Enforcement of the EU wine regulations became the responsibility of the Agency in July 2006, covering all premises and traders within the production and marketing chain, including wholesalers, warehouses and vineyards. Retail premises are the responsibility of Trading Standards. The Enforcement Policy aims to ensure that decisions are consistent, fair, transparent and proportionate, and this document invites comment on the risk-based approach to enforcement and general procedures.

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