Food Law News - UK - 2006

FSA News Item, 20 April 2006

ENFORCEMENT - Local authority enforcement activity data published

The Food Standards Agency has published a summary of the 2003 and 2004/05 food law enforcement monitoring data sent to the Agency by local authorities.

Member States of the European Union (EU) are required under article 14 of the Official Control of Foodstuffs Directive 89/397 (OCD) to send to the European Commission annual returns on official food enforcement activities. The Commission uses this information to ensure that foodstuffs are subjected to appropriate food controls across the EU.

The Agency is responsible for collecting returns from all UK local authorities and arranging for the summary data to be submitted to the Commission.

The published data for 2003 and 2004/05 has been slightly amended from that which was presented to the Agency's Board at their meeting held on 9 February 2006 . These changes reflect additional information received from a small number of local authorities following the meeting.

It was decided that the data for 2002 would not be published due to concerns over the accuracy of it. Further details about these concerns can be found below in the paper presented to the FSA Board.

For further details of the Enforcement Data, go to the UK Enforcement and Inspection Page on this website

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