Food Law News - UK - 2004

FSA News Item, 2 November 2004

NOVEL FOODS - Noni juice approval

Following a public consultation, the Agency has decided that a noni juice product is substantially equivalent to one already approved by its advisory committee on novel foods and processes.

The Agency received an application from Natures Products for an opinion on the equivalence of noni juice (from the fruit of Morinda citrifolia). Noni juice comes from the fruit commonly known as 'noni'. But it's also known as 'Indian mulberry' and 'nonu'. It is believed to have originated in Southeast Asia and to have been distributed subsequently by ancient voyagers or other means into the Pacific islands, including Tahiti and Hawaii .

The basis of this request for an opinion was that the applicant company is the sole supplier of Cook Island noni juice to a company who had already gained a positive opinion on equivalence from an EU Member State.

Following an initial public consultation period the Agency, the UK Competent Authority for all novel food issues, decided that Natures Products' noni juice meets the criteria for equivalence as defined in Article 3(4) of Regulation (EC) 258/97.

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