Food Law News - UK - 2003

FSA Consultation, 9 December 2003

LABELLING - Alternative wording to 'May Contain' statements

Consultation on alternative wording to 'May Contain' statements alerting consumers to possible contamination with peanuts, nuts and sesame. Responses are requested by: 2 March 2004

Consultation details

The Food Standards Agency held a stakeholder meeting earlier this year to consider outputs of a study that had been funded by the Agency to determine consumer perceptions on 'May contain' labelling.

This had demonstrated that it would be more helpful to consumers with allergies to introduce clear, informative label statements where products might be contaminated with allergenic ingredients, such as peanuts, nuts and sesame, which can cause severe reactions at low levels. The meeting also agreed that consumers were looking for consistency, and that a definitive statement, which offered clear advice, would be appropriate.

In view of the above, please submit any comments you might have on additional wording to be added to the Agency's 'Clear Food Labelling Advice' under the section on the presentation of ingredient listing information for allergens.

In particular, the FSA would be grateful for comments on the two suggested warning statements given and an indication of the prefered. The new wording that the FSA are proposing be added to the guidance is as follows:

In addition to comments on the specific wording, the Agency would also be grateful for any views on costs to industry in following the proposed advice.

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