Food Law News - UK - 2002

FSA Letter, 13 September 2002

HYGIENE - Shellfish Classification Review for England and Wales

The FSA are seeking views and comments on a paper which reviews the current shellfish harvesting area classification system for England and Wales. Responses are required by 6 December 2002. The reason for the consultation is explained below. The full paper is currently available on the FSA web site at:

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is responsible for ensuring that shellfish harvesting areas are monitored and classified according to European legislation. The current classification system has been in place for a number of years and the FSA is now in a position to review current arrangements and assess whether improvements can be made.

The review is the first stage of improving the shellfish classification system. It may or may not lead to immediate changes in the way the system operates, however, the FSA have started what they hope is an evolving process and it is anticipated that improvements will be made both in the short- and the long-term. The outcome of the hygiene legislation consolidation exercise currently being undertaken in Brussels will need to be considered, once this is completed.

The paper outlines proposals to modify some of the current shellfish classification arrangements. The proposals focus on improving public health protection, identifying further work to improve public health protection and simplifying and consolidating classification arrangements.

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