Food Law News - UK - 2001

FSA News, 22 June 2001

CONTAMINANTS - Soy Sauce Products and the FSA's Advice to Consumers

The FSA yesterday advised consumers to avoid certain soy sauce products following a retail survey, which found high levels of potentially cancer causing chemicals in nearly a quarter of samples. This has been misinterpreted in some newspapers with consumers receiving misleading advice.

Suzi Leather, deputy chair of the Food Standards Agency, commented:

'There is no reason to avoid Chinese food and the Agency has never advised it.

' We are saying that a limited range of products has been identified as a problem. And the chemicals involved take effect if consumed on a daily basis over a long period of time. Our main concern is therefore the health of people in East and South East Asian communities. They are clearly the people potentially at risk from these chemicals. '

Other key facts are:

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