Food Law News - FAO/WHO/WTO/Codex - 2007

16-20 April 2007

CODEX - Committee on Contaminants in Food (1st Session), Beijing, China


The First Session of the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods reached the following conclusions:

Matters for consideration by the Commission

Draft and Proposed draft Standards and Related Texts at Steps 8 or 5/8 of the Procedure

The Committee agreed to forward:

to the Commission for adoption at Step 5/8 (para. 77 and Appendix VIII)).

Proposed Draft Standards and Related Texts at Step 5 of the Procedure

The Committee agreed to forward the following texts to the Commission for adoption at Step 5:


Proposed amendments to the Procedural Manual

The Committee agreed to forward the following three proposed amendments and one definition to the Commission for adoption and inclusion in the Procedural Manual:

Proposals for new work

The Committee agreed to submit to the Commission, through the Executive Committee, the proposal for new work on a “Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Aflatoxin Contamination in Dried Figs” (paras 120 – 121 and Appendix XIII).


The Committee agreed:

Matters for consideration by other committees and task forces

The Committee agreed:

Matters of Interest to the Commission

The Committee agreed:

The Committee reaffirmed the decision made by the 38th Session of the Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants (ALINORM 06/29/12 para.192) to postpone consideration of the need to revise the guideline levels for methylmercury in fish pending the outcomes of a joint FAO/WHO expert consultation on health risks associated with methylmercury and dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in fish and the health benefits of fish consumption and to retain the current Codex guideline levels for the time being (para. 35).

Other matters

The Committee endorsed the priority list of contaminants and naturally occurring toxicants for JECFA evaluation (see Appendix XIII). The Committee recommended that an in-session working group be convened during the next session of the Committee, in order to review the priority list in light of comments received (para. 134).

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