Food Law News - EU - 1998

26 November 1998: LABELLING - Addition to the Register of Certificates of Specific Character

Official Journal (L317), 26 November 1998

Addition to the Register of Certificates of Specific Character

The Commission has adopted the following Regulation:

The Regulation adds ‘Mozzarella’ to the list of protected names for cheeses.

In adopting this name, the Commission was required to rule on its suitability since objections had been raised by certain other Member States when the original proposal had been published (August 1996). The compromise which has been adopted by the Commission is stated in the Regulation as follows:
“Whereas the name `Mozzarella’ is entitled to be entered in the `Register of certificates of specific character’ and protected at Community level pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2082/92 as a traditional speciality guaranteed; whereas this does not prevent continued use of this name in accordance with a specification other than that which is protected provided that the labelling does not bear the Community symbol or description.”
Only cheese meeting the full specification can therefore use the Community symbol. Other cheese can use the term ‘Mozzarella’ but may not use the symbol. A revised specification is included in the Regulation.

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