Food Law News - EU - 1996

12 November 1996: CONTAMINANTS - Proposed Limits for Lead and Cadmium in Foodstuffs

Scottish Office Letter, 12 November 1996

Proposed EC Limits for Lead and Cadmium in Foodstuffs

Discussions on this issue have been progressing for some time. The latest development was that the Commission circulated a revised draft in late September and a Commission Working Group was held in Brussels on 30 September and 1 October.

The latest draft includes a number of changes to previous drafts. Infant foods, for instance are now excluded from the proposal and distinctions have been made between fish in general and those species with naturally higher lead and cadmium levels.

Comments made at the Working Group are to be considered by the Commission for incorporation into a revised draft of the proposal with any forthcoming comments received from Member States or from industry. The next meeting of the Working Group is planned for early 1997, at which the revised text will be discussed. The Commission has also announced its intention to have the revised text ready for presentation at the Standing Committee for Foodstuffs (StCF) following the Working Group meeting. The StCF is the forum where agreement on this issue will be reached.

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