
Dr David Jukes, The University of Reading, UK

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Food Law News - EU - 2015

DoH e-mail, 19 February 2015

SPECIAL DIETARY FOODS - Request for comments on young-child formulae working document

For a copy of the Commission’s Working Document available on this site, see: WORKING DOCUMENT on young-child formulae

Further to the last Working Group on foods for specific groups, we have been asked to submit comments to the Commission on the attached working document on young-child formulae. I would be grateful for comments by Wednesday 25th February to meet the Commission’s deadline for receiving comments from us by the end of next week. Member States’ comments will inform the Commission’s report on young-child formulae and this will be an opportunity for the UK to influence the report.

 We will send our Bulletin to you in the next few days, which will provide an update on the last meeting. In the meantime I can advise you that it is unlikely there will be any further meetings to discuss the three pieces of legislation (draft delegated Regulation on infant formula and follow-on formula, on cereal-based food and baby food, and on food for special medical purposes) and very limited time for further comments to the Commission on the draft documents.

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