
Dr David Jukes, The University of Reading, UK

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Food Law News - EU - 2014

DH Interested Party letter, 29 July 2014

SPECIAL DIETARY FOODS - Request for information on infant and follow-on formula

The EU regulation No 609/2013 on Food for Specific Groups adopted on 12 June 2013 requires the European Commission to set specific compositional and information requirements for infant and follow-on formula by means of a delegated act. The Commission asked EFSA to provide a Scientific Opinion on the “essential composition of infant and follow-on formulae”, which was published on the 24th July 2014 (

Discussions are now underway at EU level on the development of new delegated acts on infant and follow-on formulae. As part of these discussions, the Commission is seeking views on proposals regarding the compositional requirements of infant and follow-on formulae and use of nutrition and health claims on infant formulae.

The letter then sets out a series of discussion points which the Department of Health would like industry response to.  These include:

The full letter is available on this site.  See: DH Letter - Request for information on infant and follow-on formula

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