Food Law News - EU - 2011

FSA Letter (ADB 22/155), 23 August 2011

ADDITIVES - EU restrictions on use of aluminium-containing food additives: request for information on associated costs

A copy of this letter, including the Commission's informal proposal, is available on this site. See: FSA Letter - Aluminimum in food additives.

Following the opinion of the European Food Safety Authority on the safety of aluminium from dietary intake (, the European Commission has discussed possible risk management measures with Member States which involve restrictions on the use of aluminium-containing food additives. The Commission has not yet tabled a formal proposal but I attach a copy of the informal proposal currently under discussion (Annex 1).

The main proposals are:

We expect the Commission to propose a transition period of 30 months between coming into force of legislation specifying agreed changes and the need for products placed on the market to comply with the restricted levels.

In line with Government policy we need to estimate the possible impact of these proposals and this letter invites those affected to submit information about the costs associated with the changes if they proceed unchanged. It would be helpful to have this information by Wednesday 14 September. The Commission has not informed us of a date for a vote on a formal proposal: where possible we will take account of any information submitted after our requested date but prior to a vote on these proposals.

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