Food Law News - EU - 2010

FSA Interested Parties Letter, 22 July 2010

LABELLING - Commission Regulation amending Annex IIIa to Directive 2000/13/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards certain food ingredients: Allergen labelling of wine

I am writing to update you on recent developments regarding the temporary exemption from labelling of egg-derived lysozyme and for albumin (produced from egg) or milk (casein) products when used as fining agents in wine.

We understand that the Commission intend to bring a draft proposal extending the allergen labelling derogation for egg and milk based substances used in wine to the Standing Committee meeting in October.  This proposal would be to vote on a further extension of the temporary exemption described in Commission Regulation (EC) No 415/2009, further amending the Food Labelling Regulations.  It is the Commissions intention to have this extension in place by the end of the year, when the current exemption expires. 

Given the timing of this proposal, it may not be possible to carry out a formal consultation for the SI to extend the arrangements set out in Statutory Instrument 2009 No 2801 The Food Labelling (Declaration of Allergens) (England) Regulations 2009.  You are therefore asked to let us know whether you anticipate that this extension of the current arrangement would impact on you and an estimate of any costs involved. 

Please send your comments by 17 September so that we can use these to inform our discussion at the October Standing Committee meeting.

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