Food Law News - EU - 2010

FSA News Item, 26 March 2010

ADDITIVES - Proposed EU changes to permitted lycopene levels

A copy of the FSA Consultation Document is available on this site. See: Lycopene Consultation

Proposed changes by the European Union to the permitted levels of lycopene in food and drink products. Responses are requested by: 23 April 2010


Who will this consultation be of most interest to?

Food and drink businesses that manufacture products containing lycopene.

What is the subject of this consultation?

Proposed changes by the European Union to the permitted level of lycopene in food and drink products.

What is the purpose of this consultation?

To alert manufacturers of food and drink products containing lycopene to the proposed changes to permitted levels and to gauge the impact of the proposed changes on those manufacturers.

Consultation details

Changes to the permitted levels and food categories that lycopene is permitted in have been proposed by the European Commission after consultation with stakeholders and Member States.

Directive 94/36/EC on colours for use in foodstuffs authorises in Annexe V, Part 2 the use of the colour E 160d lycopene from red tomatoes in certain foods singly or in combination with some other colours up to the maximum levels specified, and in Annexe III in jams, jellies and marmalades.


Following a risk assessment carried out by the European Food Safety Authority on lycopene the European Commission proposes to amend currently permitted levels for lycopene.

Before an amended Directive comes into force there will be a transitional period to enable manufacturers to adapt to the new levels. The length of the transitional period has not yet been agreed.

Key proposal(s):

To change the EU permitted levels of lycopene in food and drink

Consultation Process:

The European Commission has already consulted informally with industry trade associations about the proposed reductions and from this we believe that levels of lycopene currently used by UK manufacturers are below the proposed permitted levels. We would very much appreciate confirmation that this is the case, or if as a manufacturer you believe that the proposed changes will bring you extra costs, we would appreciate evidence of those costs and how you will incur them.

Question asked in this consultation:

If the proposed changes are made to permitted levels of lycopene, will this bring you extra costs? If yes, please give evidence of how great the costs will be and how you will incur them.


Responses are required by close Friday 23 April. Please state, in your response, whether you are responding as a private individual or on behalf of an organisation/company (including details of any stakeholders your organisation represents).

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