Food Law News - EU - 2008

FSA Interested Parties Letter (PD/0008), 4 April 2008

LABELLING - Working Paper for a Proposal Amending Directive 90/496/EEC Nutrition Labelling of Foodstuffs

As indicated in our consultation letter of 7 March 2008 (see EU News Item: 7 March 2008) on amending Directive 90/496/EEC Nutrition Labelling of Foodstuffs, the Commission has issued an updated version of the working paper detailing some proposed amendments (available on this site: see Working Paper).

For ease of reference we have highlighted the differences between the two working documents at Annex A (given below). If you have already responded to the consultation and now feel you want to make additional comments, please send us an addendum to your original response.

To allow you time to consider the amendments we are extending the consultation period by 1 week. Responses are now required by 18 April 2008. We will not be able to offer extensions beyond this date on account of the Commission’s deadline for comments.

Annex A

Detailed list of changes to Commission Proposal Amending Directive 90/496/EEC Nutrition Labelling of Foodstuffs


(4) Editing amendment in second line of sentence.

(5) Text inserted into the last sentence:
‘ …the definition of fibre should include carbohydrate polymers with one or more beneficial physiological effects.’

(6) Text inserted into last sentence:
‘These substances when closely associated with carbohydrate polymers of plant origin and extracted with the carbohydrate polymers for analysis of fibre should be considered as fibre. However when extracted and added to a food they should not be defined as dietary fibre.’

(9) Editing amendment in first and second line of sentence.

(11) Text inserted at end of paragraph:
‘The purpose of this RDA list is to provide values for nutrition labelling and the calculation of what constitutes a significant amount.’

(15) Editing amendment in second line of statement.


Article 2.2 Timeframe of 4 years inserted by which time products that do not comply with the provisions are to be prohibited.


Unit of measurement for Biotin amended to mg to correct typographical error.

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