Food Law News - EU - 2005

EFSA Press Release, 22 December 2005 (Last updated: 18 January 2006)

EFSA - Public Consultation on the Independent EFSA Evaluation Report

For copies of the documents, see EFSA Evaluation Report and EFSA Evaluation Report: Annexes

EFSA has launched a public consultation to gather comments on an independent external Evaluation of the Authority and its work. On behalf of the Management Board, EFSA invites all interested parties to submit comments on the evaluation, and in particular on its recommendations through this website by 28 February 2006 .

In mid-January a comprehensive format for comments will be posted on the web for those who wish to comment in a structured feedback form. Interested parties who wish to comment already now should click on the e-mail address above, write their comments and send them to EFSA .

The basis for the evaluation of EFSA is set out in Article 61, paragraph 1 of its founding Regulation:

Before 1 January 2005 and every six years thereafter, the Authority, in collaboration with the Commission, shall commission an independent external evaluation of its achievements on the basis of the terms of reference issued by the Management Board in agreement with the Commission. The evaluation will assess the working practices and the impact of the Authority. The evaluation will take into account the views of the stakeholders, at both Community and national level. The Management Board of the Authority shall examine the conclusions of the evaluation and issue to the Commission such recommendations as may be necessary regarding changes in the Authority and its working practices. The evaluation reports and the recommendations shall be forwarded to the Council and the European Parliament and shall be made public.

The time frame concerning the evaluation of the Authority was communicated to the EFSA Management Board in September 2004. The EFSA Management Board set up a Steering Committee and a Technical Committee to select the company entrusted with the evaluation in January 2005, guided the evaluation process, approved of the inception and interim reports and approved of the final report.

The final report was, on request of the Steering Committee structured in three parts; (i) the executive summary containing the overall and detailed conclusions of the evaluation, a swot analysis and the recommendations of the evaluators, (ii) the report and (iii) its annexes.

In line with EFSA policy on transparency and openness, the Board has decided through this public consultation to seek feedback on the report from any interested party.

The Board will consider the outcome of the initiative after 28 February 2006 and will then develop its overall conclusions and recommendations. The Board's recommendations which could lead to changes in some of the Authority's working practices, will be issued to the Commission and, at the same time, shared with the European Council and the European Parliament. In line with Article 61, the report and the recommendations of the Management Board will be made public.

Please be aware that the deadline for sending your comments on this report is 28 February 2006 . Please note that the report subject to public consultation is not an EFSA report and does not represent in any way the official views or positions of the Authority

For the online form for comments - go to:

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