Food Law News - EU - 2003

EFSA Press Release, 10 April 2003

EFSA - Wanted - EFSA Number 2

The European Food Safety Authority published an EU-wide call today to identify and recruit its second in command. The position holder will have the title of Deputy Executive Director - Head of Science and will be placed right at the centre of the EU food safety scientific world. He/she will be responsible for supporting the Executive Director, Geoffrey Podger, in building the scientific reputation of the Authority and for the quality and timeliness of its technical output.

'This is yet another important step in getting the Authority operational,' said Mr Podger. 'Although there are a number of important elements in running EFSA, the scientific risk assessment task is fundamental to its success. Having a senior level
expert manager dedicated to this work will make a significant difference.'

In addition, the incumbent will act as the deputy to the Executive Director, providing advice and support on the overall management of the Authority, and will take over in his absence. He/she will need to be prepared to work under conditions requiring considerable flexibility during the initial scientific set up period. The contract will be for five years, and will be renewable. The position will be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities on 10th April under the reference EFSA/A/2003/001, and also on the Authority's Website.


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