Food Law News - EU - 2002

Council Minutes, 28 November 2002

GM FOOD - Genetically Modified Food and Feed - Council Deliberations

The Council reached an overall political agreement by qualified majority, with the Luxembourg, United Kingdom and Austrian delegation indicating their intention to vote against, on the draft Regulation on genetically modified food and feed, on the basis of the Presidency compromise subject to an amendment made at the meeting, which the Commission endorsed. A Common position will be adopted at a forthcoming Council session, after finalisation of the texts, and sent to the European Parliament for a second reading in accordance with the co-decision procedure. The aim of this draft Regulation is to harmonise and improve the assessment procedure for the authorisation of genetically modified food and feed and the labelling requirements for GM foods and feeds.

The main elements of the compromise are:

A specific provision is inserted for seeds intended for cultivation, by which EFSA shall ask the national competent authority to carry out the environmental risk assessment.

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