Food Law News - EU - 2001

Council Press Release, 14 November 2001

EUROPEAN FOOD AUTHORITY - Preparation of the Health Council on 15 November 2001

The Health Council will start in Brussels on Thursday, 15 November, at 10 am under the presidency of Magda Aelvoet, Belgian Minister for Consumer Protection, Public Health and the Environment. The following is an extract from the agenda items:

European Food Authority

The Council will take note of the report on the state-of-play on the General Food Law and European Food Authority Proposal. Commissioner David Byrne will emphasize the tight calendar for adoption of the Regulation at the end of 2001. This requires agreement in second reading between Council and the European Parliament, and major flexibility on all sides of the institutional spectrum.

The main outstanding issue between Council, EP and Commission remains the composition of the Management Board. Commissioner Byrne will also underline the need to take operational criteria for the choice of the location of the Authority into account.

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