Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, The University of Reading
Food Labelling in the UK - A supporting material page

Quantity marking - Multipack / ice cream

This is the weight statement found on a pack of Chocolate coated mini ice lollies:

The pack contains 8 ice lollies which have no individual labels.The product is therefore subject to this provision: 'Where a prepacked item consists of two or more individual packages which are not regarded as units of sale, the net quantity shall be given by indicating the total net quantity and the total number of individual packages.' This is satisfied by the first statement: '400ml (8 x 50ml)'. The reference to '50ml' may not be totally necessary but avoids potential confusion.

However, for ice lollies and ice cream generally, the situation is more complex. Although the product will be made in a mould with a specified volume, the assessment of whether a product is a liquid (and hence should use 'ml') or a solid (and hence use 'g') is normally based on an assessment at 20°C. The products are sold and consumed frozen as a solid food but at 20° the lollies would be liquid. The UK guidance on this is given in Section 8 of the official Weights and Measures (Packaged Goods) Regulations 2006 - Guidance which states: 'Where doubt exists over whether a product is liquid within the meaning of the regulations it should be marked by weight unless normal trade practice provides otherwise (e.g. ice cream).' To meet this guidance, the pack also includes a weight statement: '289g'

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