Department of Food and Nutritional Biosciences
The University of Reading, UK

Food Law

EU Background Papers

Labelling of genetically modified organisms
Brussels, 18 December 1997

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Measures taken by the European Union on the labelling of GMOs and their derivatives are a recent development in Community legislation, in particular in the nutritional area. They were first adopted in 1997, the year when the novel foods regulation of the European Parliament and the Council entered into force. The regulation is the first European act which lays down specific labelling conditions for products emanating from biotechnology, including GMOs and their derivatives. On 23 July 1997 the European Commission presented general guidelines to ensure that consumers and users are provided with as complete and transparent information as possible on “live” GMOs, processed GMOs and their derivatives, whether of Community origin or imported. The purpose of such labelling is to give consumers clear, honest, neutral and scientifically sound information on the genetically modified origin of products. These guidelines have in the meantime been incorporated in several Commission proposals.


In recent years science has made it possible to develop genetically modified organisms (GMO). The European Union has gradually responded to this development. Community legislation on GMOs took account, first of all, of the concern to establish a Community safety assessment and authorisation procedure.

The safety and labelling of products are two aspects that should be clearly distinguished. No product consisting of, containing or derived from GMOs can be authorised for marketing without first having undergone appropriate safety assessment.

For “live” GMOs (e.g. cereals) the European Union adopted a “horizontal” directive in 1990, establishing an authorisation procedure at Community level (Directive 90/220 on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms). The aim of this directive is to ensure a high protection level of health and the environment and the efficient functioning of the internal market.

For biotechnological products that may contain GMOs or GMO derivatives sectoral legislation has been adopted (Regulation 97/258/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on novel foods) or will be proposed shortly (animal feedingstuffs and seeds). These texts entail a “one stop office” policy (i.e. adopting a regulation per type of product) and include a risk analysis similar to that provided for in Directive 90/220.

Guidelines for a Community labelling system

Labelling should make it possible for consumers to make choices. While it is a “plus” for the consumer it does not replace the appropriate safety assessment that is a precondition to marketing authorisation in all cases. On 23 July 1997 the Commission adopted general guidelines on the labelling of products based on GMOs (see IP/97/700). The purpose of these guidelines is twofold: to ensure coherent information for consumers under current and under planned legislation.

The guidelines are based on a number of principles:

In the guidelines the following labelling categories are proposed:

Legislative framework

Horizontal legislation


Council Directive 90/220/EEC of 23 April 1990 is intended to approximate legislation in force in the Member States to ensure that there are uniform market conditions and uniform protection of human health and the environment throughout the Union with regard to “live” GMOs. It does not apply to processed or derived products but provides explicitly for the development of sectoral legislation to be adopted as and when new GMO types and new applications emerge. Directive 90/220 retains a catch all function in respect of products not covered by sectoral legislation.


Originally Directive 90/220 made virtually no provision with regard to labelling. In order to fill this lacuna the Commission has adopted a two pronged approach:

Sectoral legislation


Regulation 97/258/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on novel foods, which entered into force on 15 May 1997, concerns end products. It applies to novel foods and novel food ingredients, including those resulting from genetic engineering. The safety assessment required before a product can be authorised must include assessment adapted to the use for which the product is authorised.


The novel foods regulation is the first European act incorporating specific labelling rules for products developed through biotechnology. It lays down mandatory labelling and requires that consumers be informed of differences between a new product and existing equivalent products. This refers to the differences resulting from the use of biotechnological processes, including the presence of “live” and/or processed GMOs. Additives, flavourings and extraction solvents are expressly excluded from the scope of the novel foods regulation because special rules have been laid down for these products which already provide for a specific authorisation and labelling procedure (which, however, do not include the indication of GMOs or GMO origin). This approach has been unanimously supported by the Council and also by the European Parliament with a large majority.

In two other areas, animal feedingstuffs and seeds, the Commission intends shortly to present proposals including labelling rules in accordance with the guidelines it adopted in July 1997. Other fields (e.g. pesticides) will be covered at a later stage.

Soya and maize

A genetically modified soya variety and a genetically modified maize variety were authorised under Directive 90/220 before its amendment in June 1997 and before the novel foods regulation entered into force. The labelling rules for these two varieties and the products derived from them thus had to be specified. The Commission discussed with the producers concerned the possibility of voluntary labelling for these particular varieties. Their derivatives, however, were not subject to labelling rules. This would have created a contradiction with the products to be authorised in the future which would automatically fall within the scope of the amended Directive 90/220 and/or the novel foods regulation, with the mandatory labelling these acts require.

To solve these specific problem of food and food ingredients produced from genetically modified soya beans or maize, already authorised but not subject to mandatory labelling, the Commission has taken the following initiatives:


Over and above the main objective of ensuring a transparent labelling approach for consumer products, the guidelines adopted by the Commission in July 1997 are intended to facilitate the flow of information between the various parties involved by ensuring “from the stable to the table” labelling, covering the various stages of the production process. This has not yet been achieved. The sectoral legislation currently being drafted, in particular for animal feedingstuffs, seeds and pesticides, will extend mandatory labelling and reduce the gap between products covered and those not covered by mandatory labelling.

With regard to the principle of voluntary labelling of products not containing GMOs or GMO derivatives (“does not contain GMO-based substances”) provided for in the guidelines of 23 July 1997), the Commission is currently contemplating the establishment of a Community certification and labelling framework.

List of existing legislation

This page was first provided on 5 January 1998
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