Friction and Inertia: Business Change, Corporate Real Estate Portfolios and the UK Office Market.

Virginia Gibson & Colin Lizieri
Working Papers in Land Management and Development 03/98
pp. 18

Key Words: Corporate Real Estate; Flexibility; Business Change; Working Practices; Appraisal; Office Demand


It has been asserted that business reorganisation and new working practices are transforming the nature of demand for business space. Downsizing, delayering, business process reengineering and associated initiatives alter the amount, type and location of space required by firms. The literature has neglected the impact of real estate market structures on the ability of organisations to successfully implement these new organisational forms or contemporary working practices. Drawing from UK research, the paper demonstrates that, while new working practices are widespread, their impact on the corporate real estate portfolio is less dramatic than often supposed. In part, this is attributed to inflexibility in market structures which constrains the supply of appropriate space.

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