nm1220: this morning namex and i will give a sort of joint session looking at how you formulate a manufacturing strategy we talked a lot yesterday but-, about how you need to integrate your operations strategy with all your other strategies we looked at s-, some tools and for doing that with namex we had a look at the effect of that on a small real company H-G Plastics last night now we're actually going forward to look at what goes into an operations strategy and how you then go through a process of putting it together we'll look a-, be looking at some academic models as i say that sounds very boring but they are ones we'll see later that real companies use in real life and basically do something different can we ask you all to shut your manuals please just manage without the slides for a while you'll see why in a minute 'cause we're going to ask you to do an exercise and the answer's on the slides so just to make it slightly more difficult for you if you could close your manuals er just for the first few minutes of the session and i'll now pass over to namex who's going to start this morning off nf1221: okay good morning ss: good morning nf1221: oh hurray [laugh] right we're looking at the development of manufacturing strategy then and we're taking it from the work that we did yesterday on strategy integration so you'll need to remember some of the things we did yesterday can you remember that far back yes just about good the objectives then of the session for this morning are to be able to understand what manufacturing strategy is and be able to define it so you should have a much better understanding of what it actually is today er operation strategy too and you should be able to discuss and give examples of how it can be formulated so we're looking at the actual process and the content of of making man-, of developing manufacturing strategy we're going to look at how you'd formulate manufacturing strategy and we're going to ask you the questions for that er hence why we don't want you to look in your manuals yet and then we're going to introduce three different frameworks for developing manufacturing strategy there are more than three we have preselected these three because we believe it gives you a variety of different frameworks to consider er there are many more for which at your leisure you're welcome to go to the library we've referenced more in our notes which are very comprehensive but we're only covering three today Terry Hill Platts and Gregory and John Miltenburg so they're the three that you'll be using and you may wish to use some of the material as well when you do your S-C-L case study which i believe you start this afternoon okay so do take some note of this we will remind you of some of the key strategic tools for formulating strategy we will link back to what we did yesterday er you will also cover more analytical tools in your S-C-L case study which you will do for the remainder of the week okay so we'll be bringing some of them in today because they do come i-, under the frameworks and at the end we'll be just reviewing summarizing if you like the key characteristics of the different frameworks obviously as i was saying to you yesterday about Master's level about understanding and application one of the key things that we'll be measuring is your ability for critical analysis okay and critical analysis is looking at things like what are the characteristics of all these frameworks what are the strengths what are the weaknesses what are m-, what is my view how can i compare the two so we'll be sharing that with you at the end okay as a general set of guidelines i've got some slides on the principles of strategy er and then i'll ask you to do an exercise er without hopefully the use of your manuals so again for the purposes of this lecture you are all directors of hypothetical companies okay and you're thinking about how you're going to develop a manufacturing strategy so what i'm putting up next is some information on just general principles for strategy formulation and this is applicable to any type of strategy formulation okay so it's not just true for manufacturing and i have to say that if i asked you to brainstorm these you'd probably come out with them all yourself so i'm not going to go through them in laborious detail okay just some prompts for common sense so strategy is long term okay we're looking at five ten fifteen years most companies that i work with in the food industry consider five years to be a long time we were talking the aeronautical group yesterday twenty years is probably the same vision for them so it depends on the company and the industry but y-, it's a long term view that you're taking you're dealing only with the major issues you're not dealing with tactical or operational issues you're dealing with the major long term issues you're looking at what differentiates the company from its competitors and we looked yesterday about that differentiation didn't we starting with the Porter grid about differentiation or cost focus et cetera er so you're actually stating there within the strategy the actual identity for the company what is it that's different about your company and you should see that throughout the strategy you're concentrating the effort then on those particular issues and we did look yesterday about focus with the Puttick grid and other things so that's where that would come in in terms of the strategy we're looking at a pattern of decision making over time you don't make all the decisions in one go you set down some policies in which you can make decisions in the future pervasive means that it affects the whole organization so the argument is that everybody in the organization should know about the strategy er that is easier said than done in my experience er when we teach these programmes to er participants who already work a lot of them are unaware or a little bit unclear about the actual strategy of the company that they work for that is not unusual it sounds amazing but it isn't actually unusual so er i think this one is very important so strategy should affect everything and just to ca-, a point at the bottom there just for you to note that this is what we believe distinguishes strategy from tactics and operational plans okay so it's a formal procedure one involving a multidisciplinary team different strategies should be formally evaluated before making decisions because you obviously can predict a set of different futures can't you yeah will we have a war in Iraq will we have an oil crisis et cetera er and you can predict different futures and set your strategies to suit them should strate-, strategies should be communicated as i mentioned you should look at the risks associated with the external factors and we spent half an hour yesterday looking at external drivers didn't we in the in the companies so you need to look at the risks and be able to have some contingency plans to meet most of those potential external events and monitoring events should be carried out continuously okay but we'll perhaps come back to that a little bit later on and the strategy should be reviewed regularly okay so they are the general points for strategy which hopefully you'll all have in your minds now when we ask you to do this task what we'd like you to do is to answer those four questions in the groups er are you going to organize it into S-C-L groups or just let them sit in their nm1220: er i think it'll probably be easier to do it geographically in the room rather than S-C-L groups nf1221: okay so the groups that we had yesterday when i did order winners and qualifiers and the external drivers okay and i'd like you on one sheet of flip chart paper one sheet per group okay so you have to fit the entire thing on one sheet of paper that we can read on the board so please no writing at ten points okay and we'd like you to answer these questions from your own general knowledge okay this is not a test this is for us to be able to pitch the lecture do you understand if if i know what you understand then i know what to teach you okay so i'm trying to understand what you know and this is in all this is about i will do it in groups and we will understand from these questions what you know i would be grateful if you don't look at your books it's not a test but all the answers are in the manual so you're likely to be bored if you just read it all out of there put it on there i think you know everything and leap off into a higher level of manufacturing strategy nobody's going to win there okay so please try not to use your manuals if you're stuck then look all right i don't want you to to have not do anything but in your groups you should be able to answer these questions pretend that you own a company or that you run a company even the in the sectors that you were doing yesterday the other example you could use is the business that you designed for your context of business module did you all develop your own company sf1222: mm nf1221: yeah well use that one then okay use that product okay so think of a product think how you would develop a manufacturing strategy okay that's that's that's what we'd like you to do so we want you to define it as if you were writing it for a dictionary we'd like you to just indicate who should be responsible er don't just say everybody i would like a little bit more detail than that how often should it be reviewed and then the major question is the last one which is what should be in it what decision areas do you need to make what goes into a manufacturing strategy what kind of decisions will you have to make when you're deciding what to make and what not to make okay does that make sense does everybody understand the questions yeah obviously namex and i will come round as often as you wish er we'll give you twenty minutes we'll give you till twenty to ten to do this please put your syndicate number on the top of the page it was one two three wasn't it four and five syndicate groups yeah group one group two group three group four and group five okay er because we will be putting your answers on the board and using them for the rest of the lecture okay good any questions please no right just glazed looks sorry i'm making you work so early in the morning [laughter] right nf1221: if you've finished if you'd like to come and put your er sheets on the board don't worry if you if you could stay sitting in your groups please so that i know who to talk to nm1220: or we could the second page nf1221: okay nf1221: oh hurray [laughter] the technology works [cough] okay what we're going to do now is we're going to ans-, answer look a-, read out your read your answers for each question and then we will show you our answer that we prepared earlier okay but we'll discuss what you've put first and see how similar it is to what we've already prepared please now open your manuals because we're we're following the notes so the first question is can you define manufacturing strategy or what is your definition for manufacturing strategy and i'm sure we have a variety there on the board because you're all obviously in different groups and had your own ideas so from group one we've got a long term guideline move towards where the company wants to be from where they are now so somebody was listening yesterday which is refreshing so it's about how companies move from where they currently are the current situation to where they want to be and it's long term and it's it's a set of guidelines which is one way of putting it so yes i agree with that definition we have group two said it's the utilization of manufacturing techniques tools and methods so good we've got the word manufacturing in there which is er refreshing because we are trying to reflect manufacturing strategy and we're looking at the tools techniques and methods excellent used in an organization so i guess that's like the resources that we were talking about yesterday and we've got to gain competitive advantage so again very good because you're now thinking about how you get that distinctive er element to your business all right what distinguishes you from the competition okay so you need to p-, have that in place so very good to that one three nm1220: group three yes nf1221: the long term guideline for a company to achieve its goals and objectives by considering the productivity and profitability so on the one hand we're looking at making lots of money and on the other hand we're looking at doing it very efficiently i assume that's where we're looking at here er alo-, achieving the goals and objectives which is excellent because you're aligning that back to corporate strategy which is something else we talked about yesterday and again long term guidelines excellent group four then are saying choosing the right drivers to make the decision about what to produce how to produce and who to produce it for within the capacity constraints of the company considering the uncertainty of wow [laughter] very [laughter] er i've d-, thinking of a descriptor for that but i can't [laugh] er ha-, choosing the right drivers so i guess that's linking back to what we were talking about yesterday in terms of external drivers or perhaps other things within the business like what the sis-, d-, directors want sm1223: strategic drivers nf1221: yeah sm1223: depends on the business nf1221: absolutely so it's not just what's happening outside it's what the actual people within the organization want to do so those sf1224: another thing from question four as well that all the stuff that all the areas that the decision kind of all of that stuff nf1221: yes yes good which is refreshing because normally they take no notice of that at all so looking about what to produce yes it's about what you produce but that's also the job of marketing too so there's there's two elements to that it's the manufacturing's definitely about how to produce it okay and who to produce it for again that's where the link with marketing would come in and sales i guess er looking at the constraints that you have but you may not let them be constraints any more but you you're looking at current situation and considering the uncertainty in the marketplace which is something we did look at yesterday sf1225: mm nf1221: with the Puttick grid didn't we sf1225: yep nf1221: okay so well done very good er group five a long term planning and operation guideline to achieve the goals of the organization yes that's group five here isn't it well done so we're looking again at long term er specifically at planning an operation because you have to plan in order to have your operations and to achieve the goals of the organization so you've got that alignment there okay nm1220: right let's have a look at who's responsible for it group one the boss yes along with er the manufacturing manager along with talks with sales and purchase manager involving representatives from separate units on the shop floor interesting so we've got someone responsible manufacturing manager responsible but talking to other people including the shop floor that may well happen but the involvement there most definitely has to come when you are implementing the strategy realistically you've got ten-thousand people in the company you can't actually talk to every single one of them about your strategy but certainly once you get to implement it every single one of them's got to know and understand it group two manufacturing director R and D department yes new products coming through what's that going to do to us finance director chairman sales director so one group all very much at the top of the company there group three top manager production manager C-E-O finance manager et cetera again a grouping at the top of the company but a grouping taking in various views group four we've got a primary responsibility we've got it split down primary responsibility we've put on the production management yes in the end someone's got to be responsible someone's got to tie it together but yes we've got input drivers from just about everybody else so we've got primary responsibility there but again taking information and advice and comment from lots of other people group five simple top management i think perhaps a little bit vague term er but yes seen generally its strategy is a senior responsibility that's what they're paid for that's what they get their large salaries for nf1221: okay let's look what er we prepared er before our definition we put up was this that the primary function of a manufacturing strategy is to guide the business in putting together the set of capabilities that will help it to pursue its chosen strategy competitive strategy over the long term so lots of words there that have been reflected in what you've put in your definitions so it's really looking at how it can deliver the competitive strategy of the business so how manufacturing can harness its resources to deliver that competitive strategy over the long term to supplement that we have this at the bottom which says it's a framework for planning it should adapt successfully to environmental changes and some of you put i-, uncertainty of the marketplace et cetera and it's a focus sometimes on what's needed for survival now that's not always true but in certain companies i'm sure you can think of examples at the moment United Airlines springs to mind which which from the news yesterday er they're very much into survival okay so it's about thinking about that when you're t-, you're looking at strategy and manufacturing can obviously support that or operations and then who should be responsible we've we've d-, we've used a survey here done in America looking at just at six firms but they did some detailed interviews with them they asked them who's responsible for developing manufacturing strategy five of them use corporate level multifunction teams so that would be what some of you represented here so we're looking at directors and from all the different functions within the business okay that's what i would expect one firm said the vice-president of production and engineering er our argument with that is generally you would only use one person to develop the strategy if you had a particularly strong leader or if you had a relatively small business because then you don't have the spare people to sit around making strategy you have to kind of run it by yourself but generally i would expect to see corporate level multifunction teams there okay so the third question was how often should it be reviewed and we have a variety of er answers we've got yearly we've got every season according to the football shirts good or or maybe three times a season given what Manchester United do no fixed time depends on the situation again i'd like probably a little bit more detail with that in terms of what you mean you are absolutely right but er examples would be more helpful with that so for the mobile phone industry what what's the life cycle of a mobile phone product life cycle of a mobile phone do you think sf1226: a few months sm1227: half a year sf1228: mm nf1221: half a year sf1228: nf1221: yeah it's about three months yeah some people say it's even less than that okay so if you've got that life cycle then obviously you're going to do this much more frequently if you go back to our aero engine then we're looking maybe every year every two years every five years okay so it you're absolutely right but examples would have helped me understand what you meant er er er three oh wow review period is industry dependent so this is what i guess you've reflected in this graph yeah so rapidly changing trends here in terms of mobile phones you did the teenage market one yesterday didn't you sm1229: yeah sf1230: mm-hmm nf1221: so that would be more frequent here and slow changing trends here okay so that's a very useful diagram there well done first time i've seen that and group one whenever the need arises yes although you have to be careful with strategy that you do set something in stone we would say and you don't just respond to every single change in the environment because the environment will change okay er the thing about strategy is that you have a set of policies that you can actually fix that you may flex a little bit but the general f-, er path of the company is fixed unless something major happens obviously like September the eleventh but other than that you you fix a direction because that's what will give you the focus and enable you to make a profit and take everybody with you in the company so there is that trade-off there with not not too responsive predicting the changes in the environment yes good luck [laughter] er keep on confirming alignment of manufacturing yes absolutely er i agree with that and i think i've covered yeah i've covered them all there we've put er we we use this these conference again with these firms one firm said continuously and er namex and i think if you're going to monitor strategy continuously then you unless you've got a fantastic real time data monitoring system then you're not actually going to do what you say okay so unless you've got the fancy electronic data systems equipment to help you er you're probably wasting your time all right i would say continuously monitoring strategy isn't that helpful four said quarterly combined with a major review so four are saying they review it every three months and then they'd have a major review and the recommends recommendations for that major review range from yearly to three to five years okay so generally it's it's rolling the the firms that i deal with my food companies they consider strategy five years out but they have like a th-, rolling three year strategy so even big multinational blue-chip companies still only look just that far ahead to actually put things down set things in in stone okay well done and finally then we're looking at what goes into a manufacturing strategy so the elements of manufacturing strategy and we have things like capacity resources technology logistics demand yes demand in terms of what feeds into capacity er economy in terms sm1231: the situation and nf1221: okay sm1231: nf1221: okay so yes i'd i'd take that at a higher level but yes it will indirectly influence er bill of materials and procurement yes costs good competition and then your scheduling systems M-P-S and er M-R-P and E-R-P do we know what they are you've all done logistics haven't you good excellent capacity perce-, er human resources good supply chain excellent whoever group five are well done er quality marketing and finance yes all of those things will you would ma-, need to make decisions about some of them would have more weight and have more detail in manufacturing strategy than others okay there will be a financial department obviously manufacturing have to think about costs and finance okay er capacity yes planning machines flexibility in production good logistics and inventory yes very important er and infrastructure in terms of organization and facility so that's nicely organized there by group two that's that group there isn't it and then group three looking at capacity customer relationships excellent somebody cares about the customer here [laughter] well done group three that's right at the back isn't it well done er finance suppliers R and D good because you need to link that into manufacturing although that wouldn't be s-, those decisions wouldn't only be made in manufacturing i nm1220: so think back to H-G Plastics yesterday evening all their major problems their inability to cope with their new products and change and then you were in the fashion business where it was their lifeblood so R and D yes dealing with new product introduction expecting that things will change very very important and something that not all the companies are terribly good at nf1221: good and then group one we've got inventory machine efficiency yes because that will help you deliver i guess were you the ones that put oh no this is group one were you the ones that put profitability no that was here okay er packaging good packaging 'cause we talked about packaging yesterday didn't we capacity and production and H-R excellent so well done you you know er quite a lot about manufacturing strategy already don't you yes so you think great she can say we can all go home now this is wonderful [laughter] but er unfortunately no that doesn't mean that it means i'm just going to talk er in more detail about the things that we think you already know okay so what we're going to look at now is our response to group the your your question four which is on the content of manufacturing strategy and of course i've given you all my pens haven't i let's take a pen so manufacturing strategy can be divided into two things content and process so when you think about manufacturing strategy you can think about it in these two ways now the content of a manufacturing strategy is what's in it okay that's relatively obvious and that's what you've responded to for your question four okay what are the decision areas of manufacturing strategy what is in manufacturing strategy that's forms the content of it the process of manufacturing a strategy is how you make those decisions it's the procedure the method the framework so the three frameworks that we'll be taking you through later will detail the process of making a manufacturing strategy so there are two elements to it we've asked you to brainstorm the content er we're going to now show you what the academics say should be in the content and then we'll take you after the break through three examples of how the process works and we'll have an exe-, exercise to do there too so that you can understand these particular frameworks do you understand that does that make sense yeah that's that's what we'll be doing okay so we're now looking at the content of manufacturing strategy and your response to question four we've taken these writers er Hayes and Wheelwright they work from America and they've been writing about manufacturing strategy from the nineteen-eighties so they've been around quite a long time the reason we go back that far is because this not only being one of the first texts on the subject it's also been used a number of times subsequently in various other frameworks okay so other academics have used this work further down the line and hopefully you'll see that reflected in the frameworks that we take you through so we've got manufacturing strategy there and around the outside of this circle we've got the eight elements of manufacturing strategy as proposed by Hayes and Wheelwright and i'm going to talk about four of them to you and then i shall hand over to namex who's going to talk about the other four going up to the break the four that i'm going to talk about are the major decision areas the ones that set the boundaries of your business the ones that define the bricks and mortar if you like and you'll see that in your texts that you've got in front of you we divide it like this so i'm going to be talking about capacity issues facilities technology and vertical integration and i will explain what that is when we get there we call these the structural decisions okay so they define the boundaries of your business they are the big decisions the major capital investment that you will make as a company namex will then talk about the infrastructural decisions which are about the supporting mechanisms in order to make the most effective use of the the structure that you've defined the analogy that we use for this er is one of computing i'm presuming you all have a computer given that you're on this course when you go out and buy a computer and you'll have to correct me if i'm wrong here having never gone out and bought one myself you go out and you decide what memory you can afford yeah and you buy a computer with the maximum memory you can afford because that sets doesn't it defines the boundary the limits of what your computer will do when you've got it okay so it's the memory that actually fixes the limits the boundary of your your computer and it's like the the structural bit isn't it it actually defines outlines what you can do with it then i assume you'll choose your software your operating systems or whatever and you'll choose based on what you can afford the best software that will maximize the use of that memory space that you have yeah so what's the memory now namex is it about every time i ask this it goes up thousands of bytes [laugh] gigabytes or what's what's the sm1232: forty to eighty gigabytes nf1221: forty sm1232: to eighty nf1221: forty to eighty gigabytes now is what you would generally have as your memory yeah okay every th-, yeah every year we do this it it it it jumps [laugh] quite a lot okay so that would set the boundaries of your computer and then you would choose software to give you the best and most effective operation of that computer okay so the the software sm1232: nf1221: you choose the software first sm1233: yeah and if you sm1234: everyone wants to use Windows so you can choose the software and then go for the maximum sf1235: nf1221: okay but choosing software doesn't necessarily set the size of your computer does it the memory does that sm1234: er mm nf1221: the memory fixes the boundary of your computer sm1234: yeah nf1221: but i accept that you might do one before the other okay so the memory is like the structure here the hardware okay that sets the boundary of your computer and the software is the thing that makes it run as effectively as possible and as namex says generally now we have to have Windows don't we er thanks to Bill Gates all right okay so that's the analogy i'll be covering structural and namex will be covering infrastructural so we're going to take each one in turn and we're going to think about what goes into manufacturing decisions in these areas so the first one is capacity now can i have some examples of the businesses that you developed in the context what sf1236: rental business rental business nf1221: rental business renting what sf1236: everything [laughter] er we had this sf1237: electronic items sm1238: electronic sf1236: electronic items and nf1221: electronic items okay what else have we got so we've got a rental business for electronic items what else sm1239: transportation sm1240: transportation nf1221: transportation okay what kind of transporta-, sm1240: cars nf1221: cars renting you did renting as well right anybody else do anything anybody make anything sf1241: sm1242: well we did a restaurant nf1221: you did a restaurant okay what type of restaurant sm1242: Chinese food nf1221: Chinese food [laughter] good er we could do with that in this country [laugh] okay anything else sm1243: cafe nf1221: cafe sm1244: restaurant nf1221: restaurant wow at the back sm1245: restaurant nf1221: restaurant sm1246: sm1247: sm1246: nf1221: you're all in the same group so how many how many groups are in this room then are you all in ss: nf1221: okay okay so different groups right so we've got a restaurant and we've got a rental business okay what did you decide how did you decide on the capacity how did you decide on how big your restaurant would be or how big your car rental business would be sf1236: we were looking at er the money that was given to us and like how much can we afford and also at the lifetime of the products sm1249: it was the lifetime of the goods and how productive are your goods er to you know to keep up to date with technology and stuff because it's electrical items T-Vs have only a shelf life of what three years or something you know so nf1221: yeah okay sm1249: yeah we thought about that too nf1221: okay so you looked at the market sm1249: mm-hmm nf1221: and you looked at developments of technology how how in terms of the restaurant namex sorry to put you in s-, sm1248: demand on the demand nf1221: on the demand how did you decide what the demand's going to be sm1248: it's like research nf1221: research through research sm1248: yeah nf1221: you know this is absolutely right because this is what companies do they do market research to try and work out what the demand is likely to be okay in order to set your capacity you've got to have some understanding of what the demand's going to be now you can do that through looking at technologies and how far you think that's going to develop you can also do it through surveys focus groups all kinds of market research but you need to understand what that demand is going to be in order to be able to set your capacity so how does the capacity compare with past present and future demand so that's what you'll be thinking about when you're def-, deciding what capacity you need okay capacity is how big how big a restaurant how big a rental business yeah how big a cafe how many chairs are going to go in it yeah how do i decide that okay it's all the same thing making these decisions nm1220: extra facilities for free nf1221: yes [laughter] when you're going to invest okay if your restaurant really took off namex and it was really popular er would you consider building another restaurant or would you consider extending the one you've already got or would you consider putting more tables in the same restaurant yeah okay all of these things you've got to think about and you would have to decide do i do that do i have a new restaurant ready do i build double the capacity i think i'm going to need and hope that i'm going to expand or do i wait until i've got my full restaurant and then decide to build or recruit more people and and this same is true for your businesses and your cafe at the back there so when are you going to invest the money that you need are you going to do it before the demand grows or when the competitors do 'cause if somebody opened a r-, Chinese restaurant down the road you may er you may have a problem on your hands or your restaurant may be so good that it doesn't make any difference okay and when demand is assured are you going to wait till you've definitely got that demand before you take the plunge now there's always a risk involved in any business set-up which is why so many of them fail okay but there are also many that succeed okay but you have to make these risks here so you can see here it's the big decisions here you've got a set amount of money generally generally it's what you can borrow or what you already have and you have to decide how big an organization are you going to make and the same is true for manufacturing if you're actually going to make you're going to make a pen or a bottle of water or in my case a Mars bar or an ice cream yeah you have to decide how big that how much what the demand is likely to be okay looking now at we call it facilities or process choice once you've decided what the demand's likely to be then you can decide how many plants or restaurants or rental premises or cafes you're going to need so how many of them the size of them and the location so are they going to be near the markets near the near the major markets near customers or near the natural resources in the industrial revolution the beginning of the industrial revolution in this country all of our plants were based near the natural resources the textile mills were based in the north everything was based near water because everything was steam powered okay er so nowadays that tends not to be true it's true in some places in the world still like the big steel firms in India Tartar Steel et cetera er they tend to have place their plants near the natural resources but generally companies go near the markets or their customers okay so you're tend-, if you've got an international company they'll have a hub in Europe somewhere for their European operations they'll have somewhere in America somewhere in the Far East new and up and coming markets at the moment we discussed that yesterday some examples what are growing markets at the moment growing economies sm1250: China nf1221: China is an enormous potential when er i went to China ten years ago everybody rode bicycles now everybody wants cars or has cars yeah it's an enormously developing successful nation and companies are falling over themselves to get into China and have a plant there because they'll be near the market and they can tailor their products to the specific Chinese requirements okay er and that same is true for any other er nation South America Africa i guess will be will be the next one okay sm1249: is that is that just to reduce the transportation costs in getting the goods to the coun-, to that country or is it so that there can actually be a physical presence of those people as well nf1221: there's lots of issues and namex covers a lecture on international er manufacturing in which you'll cover this in more detail but er a lot of the time it is down to the markets it's also down to the government in the country demanding that you can't just import sm1249: mm nf1221: you've got to set up a business there and employ local people so there's often a lot of other reasons but er generally people go out there because i-, in order to be able to tailor your product you've got to understand what the people want and the only way to do that is to try and employ some of them sm1249: mm nf1221: okay sm1249: right nf1221: so it you tend to see companies actually positioning out there er it's easier transporting most goods is difficult people will it's easier to transport raw materials generally especially when everything's packaged so highly now it's so easy to damage the packaging and then sm1249: yeah nf1221: you've wrecked it organization of the plants not only have you got to decide how many and where they are you've got to decide how you're going to arrange them so are you going to arrange them in products process based are you going to have dedicated plant to making one or two particular products or are you going to have a plant that makes a variety of products you would have seen with the the example yesterday H-G Plastics they made was it kit-, old kitchenwa-, new kitchen range and sf1251: homeware nf1221: old sf1251: homeware nf1221: office or whatever other plastic equipment it was sf1251: no it was homeware nf1221: homewares yeah so do you have one plant that does everything or do you split it and have the new ideas and the new designs in one area and the old designs in the other yeah these are the things that you need to think about at this level and process choice then which would be line batch or jobbing and we talked about what jobbing was yesterday what a job shop was if we look at this diagram now we can see that we can select the process the manufacturing process for our strategy it tends to be dependent on the volumes that we li-, we think we're likely to make so if we're making a nuclear submarine which was one of my examples yesterday then we're really looking at a project aren't we because not many people make nuclear submarines if we're looking at glass er er steel whatever we're looking at continuous process okay very high volume er i guess my biro i haven't got one today but the biro anything card paper industry anything that you'll make in very high volumes the commodity products that we talked about yesterday in the Puttick grid then you're looking really at continuous process or a line a production line most products because of the variety that we have tend to fall in the middle which is batch some form of batch production okay but you can combine them as hopefully you would have seen in your logistics module okay technology then once we've decided where we're going to put our plants and how big they're going to be then we have to look at what we're going to put in them so what's the equipment going to be and this is where we pull in technology which Paresh talked about earlier is it going to be general purpose that means you have some flexibility with the equipment is it going to be dedicated is it going to be state of the art which means we'll need a very high level of skill labour but f-, less labour or is it going to be general purpose where we'd need more labour er to do the operation generally okay so you need to think about these things here level and type of technology employed okay so is it as i said is it going to be state of the art or is it going to be cheaper much cheaper general more general purpose machines the degree of automation will affect what labour you choose in this country we tend to have highly automated processes in some of your countries you tend to have more labour intensive processes it's whatever suits your country and your economy you have to run with whatever's whatever you have okay er i think that we we overdo it here we th-, we spend too much on automation and we just get things going wrong much quicker [laugh] because the proce-, automation speeds everything up okay so i don't think it's worth every time removing huge amounts of labour er unless you understand exactly what your process is doing okay identifying key processes deciding what you're going to do about set-ups what you're doing to do about maintenance changeovers supervision flexibility and skill levels all will need to be considered in terms of your rentals business your restaurant your cafe you would have thought of all of these things yeah er how what people how many waiters you're going to need how many chefs you're going to need how many what equipment you'll need what equipment in terms of if you're renting electronic stuff you've got to buy it all to rent it what level you're going to use to buy that okay what level of equipment you're going to use and the final one for me is vertical integration does anybody know what that means sm1232: it's when you buy up er different companies at different stages of the process nf1221: yes sf1252: the amount of control in er nf1221: that's right sf1253: nf1221: yeah yeah sm1232: like er when Ford bought up the railways and the rubber er factories nf1221: absolutely yes it's it's the amount to which you own the supply chain so it's exactly what you said it's about con-, how much you control of the supply chain processes er how many companies you bought at different stages in the supply chain it's the amount of the supply chain that you own the example you would have been given yesterday with Ford Model T was that Henry Ford owned the entire supply chain okay er from mining the ore to make the steel panels to actually selling the car to the customer and he had a totally vertically integrated company i have to say it is more of an academic term than the one that's used in practice but when you see it that's what it means other people call it process positioning er it means the same thing you're looking at the direction of it o-, do you want to buy your distributors do you want to buy some of your suppliers okay these decisions will form part of your manufacturing strategy what relationship are you going to have with the supply chain where is the power in the supply chain how are you going to respond to that er what kind of relationships are you going to have with the other p-, other companies in the chain are you going to go for joint ventures and this is tends to be what happens when people go abroad like to China some form of collaboration so that you can actually partner companies that are in other countries and that that tends to be quite typical er and what m-, m-, make buy decisions are you going to have and s-, some time this week you'll do a le-, a lecture on outsourcing and that will go through this in more detail the the make buy decision what elements of this pen are you going to make yourself and what bits of it are you going to buy in from suppliers and subcontractors okay nm1220: sorry it's technology i'm too old for it right we've now got a factory we've decided where it is how big it's going to be how we're going to lay it out what level of technology what machines we've put in it and it's no darn use to us at all 'cause we can't actually do anything with it yet can we first thing we need are some people how are we going to select them do we need people with lots of skills who are going d-, have to do three day assessment centres or are they just lumping things around and we can grab the first twenty people that walk past the gate how are we actually going to select our employees what criteria do we use what skills do we need do we need nuclear scientists do we need skilled technicians lab technicians plumbers bricklayers people with particular skills they've taken several years to get or do they just need specialist skills from our business that we don't actually want anybody else to have that we've got to train people in ourselves what training have we got to do are we going to take people in and train them from scratch in our way of doing things in the way to work our machines the way we do our processes or are we going to try and take people trained from other companies just by offering a little bit more money [sneeze] job content are they there just to join things together every ten seconds for eight hours a day are they going to rotate through lots of diferent jobs are we going to make their jobs interesting are we going for a cellular layout where they've got responsibility for particular things what job content are we giving people and they'll certainly be interested in that how are we going to pay them is it just payment by results are they paid hourly on attendance are they paid weekly are they paid monthly on a salary are they on a bonus system is it a group bonus individual bronus company bonus how are we going to pay them certainly as i say our workforce if nobody else is vitally interested in that and it's obviously a significant part of our costs again where are we going to pitch our pay are we going to pay the minimum we can get away with pay the average for the area or are we going to be paying sort of top dollar we want the best people we want to be seen as the best employer what job security are we giving are we a Japanese company with our s-, middle managers offering them effectively lifetime employment or are we in California with at will employment when for no reason at all at a moment's notice you can be sacked or you can walk out perfectly reasonable standard conditions in California what are we going to do about job security so we've now got some people how are we then going to organize them we've got to actually organize them so they know what they're doing where they are who they report to who's responsible for what are we going to have the traditional functional silo system where we've got accounts R and D sales production et cetera and then within production have we got department one with its manager department two with its manager or is it going to be a product based thing where you've got a department making small round products another department making big square products is it going to be customer based where you've got this department working for Ford different department working for Toyota is there a matrix organization are you in a product ty-, pro-, er sorry project type environment where you've got people working on a project but also responsible for to the manager for their particular skill very common in fairly technological and technical enterprises what type and style of management traditional old fashioned supervisors with bowler hats cell leaders and team management matrix style way t-, if you've got a matrix who's the more important of the two managers you report to and very very importantly we've mentioned it before this afternoon we'll be looking at it in a lot more detail your measures we said if you've got a strategy how do you know it's working because you measure it you've got key measures to tell you what is important to tell you you're succeeding and probably even more importantly to tell you where you're not doing well enough or even failing if you've not got appropriate measures you haven't got any sort of system so measures for success vitally important to go alongside any strategy and communications how are you going to actually communicate with the workforce from top management through to middle management to team leaders to the actual workforce are you going to have big banner headlines as you walk in every morning flashing lights giving you the message and moral for today going to have a firm's newspaper are you going to have team briefings daily weekly monthly team meetings away weekends to build team spirit how are you going to actually communicate or are you are you deciding that you're not actually bothering to tell anybody anything 'cause all your strategies are too secret for everyone to know then you've got some people you've got some organization you can actually start making things but at what quality have you got to make them what is driving your quality system who de-, who determines your quality are you going for ISO nine-thousand type certification often a good selling point to say that but what does it really mean is that really important means you've got very good quality systems it doesn't necessarily mean you've got very good quality your quality systems purely internal are they your own systems are you controlling that are you setting the standard perhaps they're legally required some industries absolutely vital aircraft industry aerospace industry never mind what you think about the quality the C-A-A and the F-A-A will tell you whether things are good enough or not also pharmaceuticals every government in the world has its own standards for pharmaceuticals what can be sold at what quality at what strength and so such there may well be legal quality standards or they may be customer imposed certainly as i said i was many years in the auto components industry most of our factories were ISO nine-thousand registered but that didn't really matter a lot Ford's Q-one status was far more important Ford weren't really bothered they assumed we'd got our ISO nine- thousand but to continue doing business with Ford we had to pass Ford's quality system inspections so that who's imposed it whose quality have you got to meet to be in business who's responsible for quality have you got a quality manager an inspection department or does everybody accept responsibility for their own quality they do their own S-P-C checking their own gauging their own passing off and stamping in legally required industries are you going for total quality management are you going for t-, quality as the driving culture of the organization how are you dealing with quality and then how are you controlling it day to day are you going for S- P-C systems are they done manually are you going to automate it put things to automatic inspection checks part way down the line how are you actually going to control it how are you going to measure it or are you going to the ultimate to have capable processes the six sigma approach in ul-, in the ultimate go into condition monitoring we know this process is good all we need to s-, measure is the vibration and temperature of these bearings on the machine and so long as they're within patr-, control parameters we know the product will be right because it is working so far within the agreed specification that we know so long as the process is right the product will be right the best way of doing quality one could say but it's very expensive very technologically demanding is that what your market needs do you need that level of quality and then finally we've got all these things we've actually got to decide what we're making when we're making it so we need some sort of production planning we need to be able to get the materials and parts we need and all the services the electricity the water whatever so how are we going to try and forecast forward how are we trying to know what is required of us in the future are we trying to guess that or are we only working make to order we don't do anything till an order arrives how do we load the factory how do we schedule it how do we decide which we're doing next er what order we're doing things what goes on which machine next what goes where next how do we actually decide what the factory is doing and even if you've got a production line sounds easy 'cause you you know the next thing down the line is a Toyota Corolla and the one after that's another Toyota Corolla but what colour is it going to be is it two door or four door does it have air con or not is it left-hand drive is it right-hand drive scheduling all those things within the overall pattern how are you controlling it not going to go into a lot of detail here and i mean most of the logistics and ops management module is talking just about those things have you got an M-R-P system are you trying to work J-I-T are you using Kanbans for pulling material are you using complex mathematical scheduling models because you've got a high variability high route change sort of manufacturing er what level of automation because that affects it we've talked about the technology but perhaps different factories different levels of automation because different requirements in different countries people are you going to give them any flexibility are you having a cell where all you do is say to the cell and the team leader here is this week's work you sort it out or are you saying when you finish this job the next one will have arrived along the conveyor belt to you and that's the one you do next do you have to go to the computer system and that tells you because we're updating in real time or are we giving you a day's work a week's work what flexibility have we got how much planning and flexibility do we allow our people in what they do next and our sourcing subcontracting who are our suppliers how do we choose suppliers how do we relate to them how do we order from them have we got an automatic level switch in the tank that when that's triggered it sends the order automatically and the tanker rolls up four hours later do we have some sort of subcontracting policy have we set a maximum level on our capacity because we know we're all right if there's a short term boom Heartland Engineering down the road can do some for us at a short notice how do we deal with all of these sort of things when we can answer those sort of things we can say we know we have the basis for running a manufacturing organization so what Hayes and Wheelwright's eight steps are doing they're almost a ticklist check these can you answer this can you answer that because if you've got an answer in each of those boxes you've probably covered most of the contents of your manufacturing strategy and just to take it broader you think of those same eight headings and effectively you can apply those same eight headings to a restaurant to a hairdresser's to a cinema to a finance company so yes we're talking manufacturing today but the same conditions apply to any operational organization that's doing anything at all they've got to make decisions under those same things sure the headings under each of those major headings might be slightly different to reflect the different business but they've got to still go through those same sort of decisions so that as i say is how you broaden this subject out from narrow manufacturing to the wider broader operations front so there we've dealt with content i think now is a very appropriate time to take a break and then after the break we'll spend the second session we'll just looking at some of the academic models and the things behind the actual process of getting there so see you about ten to