The 2000 Season diary
The 2000 excavation season in Insula IX at Silchester was chronicled almost as it happened. Weekly diary pages of the excavation and details of some of the finds can be looked at. Please follow the links below.
Panorama of the 2000 excavation
Objectives for the 2000 season.
As we began the season knowing that the diagonal town house is of early Roman date, the excavation concentrated on the buildings along the street frontages and their associated properties. 

Two sub-areas which had previously seen almost no excavation were concentrated on: one along the east-west street in the north; the other in the ‘back’ area of building 1. 


The former  tells us about the relationship between the occupation and commercial use of a minor street compared with that of a principal thoroughfare of the town, in this case the main north-south street. Excavation of the second sub-area revealed evidence of the occupation and activities associated with building 1 fronting on the north-south street.

Further work was also done on the remaining structures and associated post-250 occupation along both street frontages.

Selection of finds from 2000:

See some finds from the first week See some finds from the third week See some finds from week 4 See some finds from week 5 See some finds from week 6

Weekly diary of 2000 excavation

Summary of the archaeology from first two weeks Archaeology of the third week Archaeology of the fourth week SArchaeology of the fifth week Archaeology of the sixth week

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